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Zoos --> a safe haven for animals --> also means visitors and revenue, then make it 'world class' and attract international tourists -- more employment -- a win-win situation for all ?

I have never liked the concept of zoos except when they are used as 'transitional shelters' for rescued animals to be prepared for release back into the wild. I have seen the San Diego zoo, the Saint Louis Zoo and the Jijamata Zoo at Mumbai that is pitiable in comparison, but however 'world-class' a zoo maybe, they all happen at the cost of incarcerating animals where we keep telling ourselves that the animals are 'safe'.

Maharashtra government plans two zoos - at Goregaon in Mumbai and at Gorewara on the outskirts of Nagpur. Moreoever, private companies will be allowed to construct a seven star hotels, convention centres, shopping plazas and eateries out of the demarcated zoo area for recovering their investment into developing the zoo areas. Read more about it Here.

I would rather like to see more efforts and development around the existing vast tiger and other green reserves and make them into controlled tourist hot spots with spaced out forest guest houses like tigertrails at nagpur or like the beautiful log cabins at Smokey Mountains in Tennessee - without having to terribly delimit the freedom of the poor animals...



Blogger Udayan said ... (8:08 AM) : 

I agree with you Chets. Zoo is a terrible thing for animals. Being confined to a small area, just coz you are one of the few remaining ones, reason being the same buggers who confine you.

Just because the animal can voice it's opinion, doesn't mean that it enjoys staying there.

And whoever says "Safe Haven" should be reminded that jail is place for criminals. If it is so bloody safe in there, better let them criminals free and you sit inside the safe cell.


Blogger Shalik Jogwe said ... (3:34 AM) : 

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We can share our views. I am a regular visitor to Mohurli area. Right now I am setting to go there.


Blogger Wholesale Supplier said ... (2:56 AM) : 

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Last year i'm visit at tadoba resour and yout blog very good, Please my your your blog here :



Blogger Nikita said ... (5:05 AM) : 

Great and informative blog! Loved reading about the Pench National Park experience. I have also written some blogs on how to reach Pench Tiger Reserve, book resorts, and plan a jungle safari. Do check them out "Discover the Enchanting Wilderness: Pench Tiger Reserve


Blogger Nikita said ... (4:01 AM) : 

Thanks for sharing this valuable information! If you are looking for the best Indian tiger safaris, we provide exciting safari packages and accommodations across India. Check out our profile, Indian tiger safaris to explore the Tadoba Tour Packages customized for nature and wildlife lovers.


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Sunday, December 31, 2006