Yeah - after they die - or rather, after they are brutally killed ! While it's simple business logic that poachers will continue to kill tigers until people that pay them exist, both Indian and Chinese governments either cannot see the logic or don't have the passionate zeal to act on it. Tiger skins continue to travel across the border in innovative ways to escape detection sleeping bags !
The rich Chinese guys pay a handsome price for tiger skins to decorate their homes and even use it on a costume called "Chupa" - check out this dude wearing a tiger skin ..guess those dark glasses are blinding him from what damage he is causing..
I guess by the time goverments realize its too serious, they will succeed in catching that tiger skin..except that it just might be the last tiger from India - reminds me of those movies where cops always arrive 'at last'
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The rich Chinese guys pay a handsome price for tiger skins to decorate their homes and even use it on a costume called "Chupa" - check out this dude wearing a tiger skin ..guess those dark glasses are blinding him from what damage he is causing..
I guess by the time goverments realize its too serious, they will succeed in catching that tiger skin..except that it just might be the last tiger from India - reminds me of those movies where cops always arrive 'at last'
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